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Q. Explain the concept and scope of Industrial relations. Describe the
approaches to industrial relations which are being followed in any organization
you are familiar with. In your opinion which approach to industrial relations
is effective and why? Briefly describe the organization you are referring to.
Answer. Prior to 1991, the
industrial relations system in India sought to control conflicts and ......
Industrial Relations scope includes all the aspects of relations in industry
such as developing and maintaining cordial and effective labour management
Q. Explain the evolution of managerial unions in India. Describe the
activities of managerial unions in your organization or any organization you
are familiar with. Distinguish between the workers trade unions and managerial
trade unions. Briefly describe the organization you are referring to.
Answer. After India won
independence in 1947, considerable changes...... Managerial unions were able to
exert an influence in the public sector and that.....
Q. Explain the collective bargaining process. Describe the settlements
and agreements which have taken place in any organization you are familiar
with. Discuss the conditions for success of collective bargaining. Briefly
describe the organization you are referring to.
Answer. Collective bargaining is
specifically an industrial relations mechanism or tool, and is an aspect ......
In collective bargaining certain essential conditions need to be .......
Q. Describe the factors responsible for failure of participative
schemes in India. Discuss the strategies for making participative forums
effective. Illustrate with reference to an organization you are familiar with.
Briefly describe the organization you are referring to.
Answer. WPM is the participation
resulting from the practices which increase the scope for employees ...... WPM
helps in managing resistance to change ......
Q. Explain the impact of specialization, centralization and
globalization on new employment relations. Describe how power and authority play
a role in Industrial relations with examples from an organization you are
familiar with. Briefly describe the organization you are referring to.
Answer. Globalization is the
production and distribution of products and services of a homogeneous type.....
Specialization and centralization is usually associated with taller....
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